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How AI Transformed a CPG Giant's Cash Flow—and Slashed Bad Debt by 20%


May 6, 2024

In the fast-paced world of consumer packaged goods, speed isn't just about getting products off the shelves—it's about getting paid, too. For one global CPG titan drowning in a sea of paper invoices and mounting bad debt, the old ways just weren't cutting it anymore.

The Paper Trail Problem

Every day, this industry heavyweight processed thousands upon thousands of paper invoices. The manual grind of handling each piece of paper wasn't just a time sink; it was a breeding ground for errors. As the company scaled, the inefficiencies of their accounts receivable (AR) processes became painfully clear. Payments slipped through the cracks, collections lagged, and bad debt started piling up like unwanted inventory.

The traditional methods were bogging them down. The finance team was swamped, morale was dipping, and the risk of bad debt was becoming a serious drag on the company's financial health.

Enter Metaprise: AI to the Rescue

Desperate for a game-changer, the company turned to Metaprise—a leader in financial automation powered by cutting-edge AI. Unlike the basic Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tools they had toyed with before, Metaprise offered something smarter, faster, and more intuitive.

Automating the Paper Chase

Metaprise's AI didn't just read invoices; it understood them. By scanning and digitizing all incoming paper invoices, the AI could categorize and process documents regardless of their format or complexity. No more squinting at illegible handwriting or getting tripped up by unconventional layouts—the AI handled it all with machine precision.

Real-Time Tracking and Reconciliation

But digitizing invoices was just the tip of the iceberg. Metaprise's AI provided real-time tracking of every invoice's journey—from creation to payment. The system flagged delays, predicted potential late payments, and sent automated reminders to clients. The finance team finally had a bird's-eye view of their receivables, all in real time.

AI-Powered Risk Management

Perhaps the most transformative feature was the AI's ability to manage risk proactively. Tapping into a vast database of global customer and supplier credit ratings, the AI could assess the likelihood of payment delays or defaults. It didn't just crunch numbers; it learned from payment histories and behavior patterns to anticipate issues before they became problems.

With these insights, the company could tailor their collections strategies to each client. High-risk accounts received more proactive outreach, while reliable payers enjoyed a smoother experience. The result? A significant drop in bad debt and a more efficient collections process.

The Payoff: Bad Debt Down by 20%

The numbers spoke for themselves. After implementing Metaprise's AI-driven solution, the company slashed its bad debt by a staggering 20%. The finance team, freed from the shackles of manual processing, could focus on strategic initiatives instead of chasing paper trails.

Boosting Operational Efficiency

Automation trimmed the fat from their processes. Errors due to manual entry vanished, invoices were processed faster than ever, and the team could handle a higher volume of transactions without breaking a sweat.

Strengthening Cash Flow

With invoices processed promptly and collections managed intelligently, cash flow became more predictable and robust. The company could allocate resources more effectively, invest in growth opportunities, and sleep a little easier knowing their financials were on solid ground.

Better Customer Relationships

Surprisingly, automating collections didn't alienate clients—it improved relationships. By understanding each customer's payment patterns and preferences, the company could communicate more effectively and offer flexible payment options. Automated reminders were timely and consistent, reducing misunderstandings and fostering goodwill.

The Future is Automated

In an industry where margins are thin and competition is fierce, every efficiency counts. By embracing AI-driven financial automation, this CPG giant didn't just patch up a leaky AR process—they transformed it. Metaprise's solution proved that AI isn't some futuristic fantasy; it's a here-and-now tool that can redefine how businesses operate.

For companies still clinging to outdated processes, the message is clear: adapt or get left behind. Automation isn't just about cutting costs; it's about unlocking new levels of efficiency and insight. And in today's market, that's not just an advantage—it's a necessity.